Revealed: the 35 most irritating restaurant faux-pas

If you’re reading this while dining at a restaurant, well, you’re beyond help. But the rest of us can take note: pollsters have identified 35 of the most inexcusable eating-out faux-pas, and, bloody hell, Brits, this is shameful stuff.

Number one on the list? Clicking fingers for the waiter’s attention (rude). Two: talking with a full mouth (gross). The third on the list is “being too loud and raucous”, which at least suggests that someone – if not the poll’s joyless respondents – is having fun, but we can all agree that wiping hands on the tablecloth (no 4) and blowing your nose in a napkin (no 5) are objectively unhygienic, depending, possibly, on the nose-blowing alternatives.


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