The 3,000-year-old hieroglyphs found in Seti I’s temple in Abydos, Egypt, are said to depict nothing less than a helicopter, plane and futuristic aircraft among the usual insects, symbols and snakes.
The writings have become known as the “Helicopter Hieroglyphs” among pseudoscience and conspiracy circles, with many supporters of the theory saying if the ancient civilisation was putting helicopters and modern spacecraft in their artwork, then they must have seen them, or at least pictures of them.
And for that to have happened, someone from the future must have taken them back.
Some have even taken the theory a step further, introducing aliens to the equation.
One popular myth is that the “advanced race” who bought details of futuristic technology to the Egyptians, were visitors from a far-flung highly advanced planet, to share their knowledge with the primitive communities on Earth.
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