Transportable Hotel Rooms

The ‘Hyperloop Hotel’ is a concept for a connected hotel system designed by University of Nevada graduate architecture student Brandan Siebrecht.

Inspired by DevLoop, the Hyperloop Hotel system would include 13 hotels across the US, connected by a rapid Hyperloop transit system. Guests would be able to check into one of the hotels and pay a flat fee of $1,200 to travel in their hotels rooms between the 13 cities. This eliminates the need to buy separate hotel and travel tickets and allows users to travel to multiple cities in one day.

The proposed cities for the Hyperloop Hotel include: Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Denver, Sante Fe, Austin, Chicago, Nashville, Washington, DC, New York City and Boston. Unfortunately for now, this idea is just a concept as we don’t yet have the necessary technology or infrastructure to support this system. Siebrecht estimates it would cost about $10,000,000 to build each hotel, but in the next five to 10 years the idea could be a reality.


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